Monday, December 28, 2009

You still think your to young?

Yes...Yes I do. I was asked this question recently. It was not so much the question itself but how it was asked. You STILL think your to young to have children? Twenty three friends. Babies will come soon enough and I do want a big family. I always have and so has he. It will work out for us, I know your concerned about it. Thank you for wondering. Ask me a million times. But I will do it on my own terms. This is how I work...


Lisa said...

Lol! You don't need babies until you want them! :) Good luck fending off those who think they know what you need!

Shauna Leavitt said...

Even when you think you are ready ... wait longer than that :)

XO Marie said...

And when you do.... Please make the announcement by having Bryce play the guitar and sing it !!LOL!

The Wes Gordon Family said...

Luv YA!

(And yes 23 is still Young!)