Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Boat

SO... What I Really want, and Need for that matter is This Sexy Vehicle. One day it will be mine. I can't wait to ride in it, top down, wearing my bikini top and bandana to run all errands... One day. But instead we bought a boat. Actually it wasn't we...Bryce bought a boat. I am very excited about the boat. You know how much I LOVE Lake Powell. Can't wait for all the fun boating memories!!!

The boat is pretty sexy too...


mommy4 said...

WOW!!! You will LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! We love our boat and the kids beg to go to the lake everyday. Hope you guys are doing great!!! Come see us in the south!

Amanda Jo said...

Thanks! We are excited! We love the lake too. We need to come see you! I know Bryce would LOVE it!!!